Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Ok, I moved away from Illinois to get away from snow and ice but more importantly, the cold. I hate cold weather. It suck and the south should not be allowed to get this darn cold. It's 30 out right now and that's just not right for the daytime.

I was supposed to leave on Friday to go home. My mom has lung cancer. We just found out about it right before christmas. She's staing positive which is really good and she wants to fight it with all of her will. We've had some good news so far. We won't know how bad it is until Tuesday when she goes in for an operation. Thats when we find out if it has spread to her lymp nodes. If it's spread, then well, we all know thats not good news and we don't want to go there. If it has not spread, then they are going to take out the lobe of the lung that the cancer is in and I believe her chances are better. Of course I have not talked to a doctor, but everyone is acting like it's no big deal.

It is a big deal and I'm trying so hard not to feak out and be upset because it just wastes time and effort. I'm trying to stay positive, but not more than two years ago I had an uncle who found out he had cancer in October and by January he was gone. His was a very rare kind of cancer that the doctor's didn't even know how to treat and it was very fast acting. My moms is the slow growing kind which is even better for her chances, but from what I understand the tumor is huge and that's why they want to take out the entire lobe.

Anyways, at some point I will be leaving for Illinois as soon as the weather calms down. I am going to try to post while I'm home but I'm not sure how busy I will be considering I will be trying to take care of my mom. I'm also not sure how long I will be gone. I'm leaving both of my children here and it's going to kill me to be away from them. So, hopefully I won't be gone for more than a couple of weeks. Keeps us in you prayers please!

1 comment:

Bare said...

I will most definitely keep you, your mom and family in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted on how she's doing. If you need anything, please, don't hesitate to write! *hugs*