Saturday, December 30, 2006

Is this strange?

Today I leaned something about my boyfriend that I never knew, and we've been toghether off and on for three years. He likes me drunk. Huh? He says I act better. I didn't even ask him what the fuck that was all about. I just let it ride. Yep, thats the new me. I just let the shit roll off my back. Sounds kind of nasty doen't it. Also, I'm kinda drunk right now and I can't spell worth a crap. So now I'm gonna ask him what he meant by that and will report back shortly.

Me: What do you mean I act better when I'm drinking?
Him: You just do.
Me: Happier, sadder,??
Him: More laid back.

Ok. I can live with that. And yes, I know I'm thrillin the shit out of every single one of my readers. Three post and only one person has looked at the site. That's ok, because I've been pimpin myself out by reading other blogs and making comments in the hopes that they will read mine ect. ect. ect....

Man, I should drink more often but I can't. I'm diabetic and it's a big no no. I used to do it all the time until my doctor told me that one day I would drink one night and just not wake up. Can you say freak the hell out of me. Yes it did. So I drink once maybe twice a year. At the moment I'm having me some butterscotch schnops and diet mt. dew. It's actually pretty damm good.

My boyfriend wont' leave me alone because he wants me to talk about the fact that he's playing Diablo on the internet and talking about pimpin midgets. He has a thing for midgets. That's cool with me. The little people need loving too. (DISCLAMER-I mean no disrespect to little people, midgets, dwarfs or anyone under four feet tall)

But I've got a little secret to tell--The little people in the Wizard of Oz scare the hell out of me. I'm not sure why exactely, they just do. I think it's the combination of their voices and those odd outfits that they are wearing. To this day I hate pointed shoes. God that show gives me nightmares. The flying monkeys are kind of out there too. Loins, Tigers and bears my ass. Just don't let me meet one of those oz people in a dark ally. I might have a heart attack on the spot.

We are watching Law and Order-Criminal Intent or some shit and this lady died from peeing the bed. She short circuited her electric blanket. What a terrible way to die. Can you imagine the jokes she's getting in heaven. I bet they are laughing their asses off up there. Oh and if any of my readers has a relative die this way, all I can say is DAMN. You must be so ashamed.

Ok, kids that all for tonight. Chat with you tomorrow.

PS. I just used the spell check and found all kinds of mistakes, but I'm to lazy to fix em right now. Maybe later.


Kelli said...

Hey girl..thanks for checking out my blog. You are totally on track with that leaving comments for people out there..they will follow you back and eventually you will have more comments than you'llknow what to do with?

Hmm..your bf isnt Garrett is it? He writes on his blog about midgets a lot and he is from Texas. If its should check him out. He is listed on my blog. Funny stuff.

That butterscotch and d. mt.dew sounds kind of strange..but that means I would probably like it. Im totally not supposed to be drinking either..but I sneak it once in awhile too.

Oh yeah..and my policy is to never spell check. Might make me look a little illiterate sometimes but I dont like to reread my posts..I end up changing them.

texasgirl said...

No actually he's not Garrett. I found your site through his blog tho. I've been reading blogs for over a year now and had another one that I stopped writing. I do love his blog and one of the things that kept me reading was the midget thing.

honkeie said...

I have a thing for little ppl to....I am a circus freak what can I say.
I didnt know they made butterscotch schnops, sounds nasty but I will have to look for it soon.

Molly said...

mmmm butterscotch snapps sounds delicious to me...

I wonder if I would quit drinking if my doctor told me what yours did? I hope so.

I dig the shit out of midgets too. I never connected it to the Wizaed of Oz, but I do hate pointy shoes because of it!